Partial Shipment Timeline
Partial Shipment Timeline
The partial shipment timeline below assumes a straightforward partial shipment not requiring any additional storage.
Shipments originating inland like Chicago or Denver add an additional 7-10 days to the warehouse storage time.
The timeline below is based on reasonable and approximate information.
2-6 Months Out
Review & Approve Proposal
Declutter your home
Arrange a survey
4-6 Weeks Out
Schedule the Big Day
Provide booking information
Review shipping and insurance documents
4-6 Weeks Out
1 Week Out
Final Details
Arrange deposit
Review pre-move email
Submit insurance application
Organize your home/spaces to simplify the Big Day
The Big Day
Packing & Pick up
Be available for questions
Conduct a final walkthrough before the crew leaves
Drinks, snacks, and tips are always appreciated by the crew
The Big Day
1-6 Weeks
Warehouse Storage until Consolidation
Here is a VIDEO about the consolidation process.
3-8 Days
The Container Waits at the Port
3-8 Days
Sailing to Israel
Sailing to Israel
Sailing times vary – check for the current schedule.
Complete Customs clearance documents
1-2 Weeks
Customs Clearance & Delivery
Delivery is arranged once your file has cleared customs.
1-2 Weeks